Courses and workshops in digital marketing

Educate your team with the industry’s leading expertise in digital advertising, tracking and analysis.

Kunskapsdelning är en central del av Social Zense. Vi satsar på att utbilda våra medarbetare och erbjuder nu även kurser och utbildningar för alla som vill utvecklas digitalt.

Specialised courses to sharpen your team

Since 2018, Social Zense has been training large and small companies and organisations in digital advertising on social media and search engines. We offer a wide range of courses, specially designed to equip your team with the right tools to maximise your results.

All courses are available in multiple stages and are customised based on current knowledge, needs and business goals. We mix content and insights with practical demonstrations of the tools.

The training sessions can be conducted remotely, on-site at your location or at one of our offices in Stockholm or Malmö.

Social Zense arrangerar utbildningar och delar värdefull kunskap i sina sociala medier, med fokus på att stärka både kundernas och branschens digitala kompetens.

Digital advertising

We offer practical workshops in digital advertising. You can choose which platforms you want to learn to advertise on, such as Meta, Google, LinkedIn and TikTok.

During the course, we go through the ad manager, how to set up effective campaigns for your business goals, define target audiences and analyse and improve results.

Digital strategy

Become strategic masterminds with a course in Funnel Marketing – the framework for guiding a user from a potential to a repeat customer.

Learn about the natural customer and purchase journey and how to replicate it in your advertising to successfully guide the user down the sales funnel.

We also cover how to establish synergy between visibility on different platforms to maximise the impact of your digital presence.

Social Zense erbjuder utbildningstillfällen och sprider insikter om digital marknadsföring via sina sociala kanaler, vilket hjälper både kunder och branschen att växa.
Social Zense arrangerar utbildningsevent och delar värdefull kunskap inom digital marknadsföring på sina sociala medier, vilket stärker både kundrelationer och branschens utveckling.

Tracking, data and analysis

Learn how to measure and analyse data – and how to turn these insights into results.

During the course, we cover tracking techniques for maximum data collection, how to use Google Analytics 4, interpret data and identify valuable insights, as well as how to use these to optimize and streamline your digital advertising.

Sign up for our remote courses

In addition to our tailored workshops, we also have set dates for selected remote courses. Click on the courses and sign up for the next available session today.

Advertising on Meta

Learn the basics of Meta Ads and how to set up effective campaigns to reach and convert your target audiences.

Advertising on Google

Explore the possibilities in Google Ads and learn how to use the tool to achieve your business goals.

Tracking, data and analysis

Understand how to measure and analyse data – and how to turn insights into results.

Vocational education

Through our collaboration with the colleges IHM and SIH, we regularly conduct various courses for students.

What our clients say about us

Do you have questions or want to book a workshop?

Fill out the form and one of our digital specialists will contact you. You can also reach us directly at +468 – 30 40 82 or send an email to
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